Download BookFour Flags The Indigenous People of Great Britain DNA History and the Right to Existence of the Native Inhabitants of the British Isles

Download Ebook Four Flags The Indigenous People of Great Britain DNA History and the Right to Existence of the Native Inhabitants of the British Isles

Download Ebook Four Flags The Indigenous People of Great Britain DNA History and the Right to Existence of the Native Inhabitants of the British Isles

Download Ebook Four Flags The Indigenous People of Great Britain DNA History and the Right to Existence of the Native Inhabitants of the British Isles

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Published on: 2012-10-31
Released on: 2012-10-31
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Download Ebook Four Flags The Indigenous People of Great Britain DNA History and the Right to Existence of the Native Inhabitants of the British Isles

Fourth edition. Now updated to include the results of the 2015 study on the genetic origins of the white British population, as published in Nature magazine (519, 309–314, 19 March 2015).This work combines the most up-to-date genetic research and the established historical record to conclusively prove that:(a) There is a clearly definable indigenous population in Britain;(b) That, in terms the United Nations Charter on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and other internationally accepted conventions protecting the rights of indigenous peoples, the British people qualify fully for protected status; and(c) That this United Nations Organisation-mandated protection specifically includes the right of the British people to be protected from the destruction of their identity through mass immigration, integration or genetic assimilation.The genetic make-up of the British people is then discussed, including an easy-to-understand explanation of - How people can be identified and linked to specific areas using modern genetics;- How genetic evidence shows that the vast majority—between 70 and 80%—of all British people have ancestors going back to the end of the last mini ice age;- How genetic evidence shows that the Celtic, Roman, Viking/Danish and Norman conquests had almost negligible impact upon the British people;- How genetic evidence has shown that even the much-reputed Anglo-Saxon invasions did not cause any mass population replacement within the British Isles. - How, therefore, the genetic evidence proves that the vast majority of the white British population have roots going back thousands of years on the British Isles.Next, this work reviews the claims for Indigenous status of four of the most well-known indigenous peoples of the world: the Mãori in New Zealand, the Aborigines in Australia, the Tibetan people in Tibet and the Indians in North America. All of these people either have officially protected status, or, in the case of the Tibetans, are the subject of international campaigns to ensure their right to self-determination and protection against assimilation and physical overwhelming by the Han Chinese.Finally, this book shows how, in terms of the UN definitions used to define the indigenous status of these four abovementioned study groups (specifically their genetic unity, and the length of time they have been resident in their own territories before the advent of foreign settlers), the British people qualify several times over for protected status.In fact, the British people have been resident in their own territory for thousands of years, as compared to, for example, the Mãoris, who have been resident in New Zealand less than 800 years.It concludes by pointing out that the current mass Third World immigration invasion of Britain (and indeed, all of Europe) is therefore a contravention of all the internationally-accepted declarations on the rights of indigenous peoples. “Article 8:1. Indigenous peoples and individuals have the right not to be subjected to forced assimilation or destruction of their culture.2. States shall provide effective mechanisms for prevention of, and redress for:(a) Any action which has the aim or effect of depriving them of their integrity as distinct peoples, or of their cultural values or ethnic identities;(b) Any action which has the aim or effect of dispossessing them of their lands, territories or resources;(c) Any form of forced population transfer which has the aim or effect of violating or undermining any of their rights;(d) Any form of forced assimilation or integration;(e) Any form of propaganda designed to promote or incite racial or ethnic discrimination directed against them.”--From the preamble to the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, adopted by the General Assembly Resolution 61/295 on 13 September 2007. 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